The Hope Institute Hosts Third Annual Culture of Character Summit


The third annual Culture of Character Summit was held on June 7, 2022, at the Sheraton in Downtown Birmingham. After two years of hosting this event virtually, The Hope Institute and Samford University’s Orlean Beeson School of Education were thrilled to hold this in-person event for over 130 educators. Participants represented 55 different K-12 schools, universities, and organizations from four states.

All were welcomed with greetings from The Hope Institute Executive Director Jodi Newton and Samford University School of Education Dean Anna McEwan.

Keynote speaker Dr. Amy Johnston started the morning off with an enthusiastic message titled “Making Character Development a Priority in Schools: The Why, What, and How of Character Education,” sharing her experience leading a school’s character journey and providing both inspiration and practical tips. She reminded attendees the importance in examining each educator’s personal why and utilizing courage within oneself to develop the good in students and schools. 

At lunch, participants heard from Dr. Quentin J. Lee, Talladega City Schools Superintendent. Dr. Lee began with everyone laughing and dancing while watching his viral “Can’t Touch This” YouTube video, and his contagious energy continued throughout the presentation of his own story of growing up and how caring educators shaped his heart and future. His honest and candid school leader experiences connected with the audience and gave a picture of how persistence and relationships with students can make pivotal changes in student lives.   

The event also offered 15 breakout sessions from local and visiting school and university leaders. Presentation topics ranged widely and included research, best practices, the journey of becoming a recognized National School of Character and even how to share your school’s character story on social media. Each participant could not help but leave these sessions with multiple strategies and tools to use for the next school year.

Liz Huntley, The Hope Institute’s President and Co-Founder, closed the day with a heartfelt message sharing her personal story of how the love and encouragement of her own K-12 teachers allowed her to grow past a traumatic childhood to become a “Hope Dealer.” She left the audience with a renewed sense of purpose and brought home the incredible impact educators have on the direction students will take on each crossroad in life.

After a dynamic day of learning and inspiration, we are already eagerly looking forward to the 4th annual Culture of Character Summit. It is planned for Sept. 25-27, 2023, at the Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. We hope you’ll join us!

EventsStefanie Landes